First-aid medicines poisoning may happen poisoning with medicines through the mouth as grain or sedative as accidental for a dose of large or because of drugs (any medicine in a way that is incompatible with customs and traditions and social medical asset, known as). It also would be through inhalation or injection. It is poisoning with medicines and household articles of the biggest health problems existing global and more common among all strata of society and the categories of ages poisoning incidents involving children and adolescents and youth and adults. Poisoning occurs, either accidentally or by mistake by attempting suicide or exposure to chemical materials in the workplace or at home and poisons generally could be swallowed or dispersal in Laayoune or spilt on the skin or inhaled. The drugs might be poisonous if dealt with a person not described to him or if taken in large quantities. Our children are the most at risk from poisoning with medicines, and in particular those under five years of them, which eat, drink anything communicate without understanding. including some of the articles and the things that may be detrimental to health if people dealt with non-earmarked him or if it had been dealt with in quantities that differ from doses recommended. It should therefore make every effort to keep things which may be prejudicial to children away from their grasp. :symptoms - widening eye or their contraction in gay. - the difficulty in breathing and up to the cessation of respiration. - the occurrence of muscle in some cases. - the occurrence of vomiting, but it does not happen directly, but we must expect to happen. - the occurrence of her in some cases. - decrease in blood pressure. - accelerates pulse with no irregular are often difficult a. - the occurrence of hinder and cold to inveigle. - decrease in the heat. - may suffer the injured from Parkinson's disease and HELS when dealing with stimuli. - when dealing with a large dose of aspirin feel injured my stomach pain and vomiting and be accompanied by vomiting blood. In addition to the feeling of sleepy and gloom with two tons in the ears and the difficulty of breath with race and be strong pulse. : ambulance - injured on both sides with Milan the body is a party to the head. - the liberalization of all the roads, respiratory diseases. - inciting the injured to vomiting while be aware of. - monitoring body temperature and maintained within the normal limit. - Control of pressure and respiration, pulse. - linking poisons coal use medical. - to send the injured to hospital as soon as possible. - to send there beside him cans of medicine and materials that its vomited for analysis. At the advent of a doctor emergency must be made for the process of artificial respiration and a pipeline for when necessary. - must also be compensation for the infected blood who lost.