Wiled Life
This is the largest water lily in the world .
It grows in the Amazon river.The leaves can be up to two meters across.
The are strong enough to stand on Fish , insects and animals feed on them ,so thay are good for wiled life
but they sometimes block the river because they are so big .
This is the largest lily flower in the world but no body would want to stand anywhere near it
it has such a terrible smell attracts flies
These go inside the flower and crawl from one part of it to another this help the flower to make anew plant
This lily is one meter across ,it grows in the rain forest in south east Asia.
a tree frog lives in this plant !!
The plant collects water between its leaves and keeps it in a pool .
The frog lays it eggs in the pool .The eggs turn into tadpoles .
They feed and grow in the pool until they be come small frogs .
Tree frog are found in south America and south-east Asia.
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