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1:43 PM
Is it true tea reduces the level of iron in the body drink tea useful in anti-انھ للتاكسد and انھ low in the level of caffeine... In a recent study by scientists to study the impact of drinking tea to people eat meals daily normal) ھامبرجر beans,) and then to ascertain the levels of iron لديھم compared with other beverage... The research found that tea has led to reduce the level of iron absorption by 62 percent compared to بالقھوة that led to خفضھ by 35 percent ... But المھمة information existing in tea affect the process of Tannin was that of iron to absorb only when dealing with vegetables, grains ھل chewing gum is harmful to health can be chewing gum useful with regard to hygiene mouth and teeth if without sugar (the problem is not calories contained few, but in the impact of sugar on teeth), especially if that contained مطھرة... Usually chewing gum تساھم also in improving the smell of the mouth... المھم ھو not exaggerate it should not be chewing gum for more than a few minutes twice or three a day... Some people speak about health problems caused فيھا to swallow gum... Even ھناك of says انھا will remain in معدتك seven years... The truth is that ابتلاعھا is not harmful as many believe doctors confirm that the body already unable to ھضمھا only انھا moving slowly out of the body naturally... In some cases led the large quantities of chewing gum which ابتلعھا children to cases of an intestinal blockage. Any that tea does not negatively affect at all on iron levels in dealing with red meat, fish and Whites... The point المھمة turn: tea does not affect negatively upon the preservation of the programme of balanced diet.
Is it true tea reduces the level of iron in the body drink tea useful in anti-انھ للتاكسد and انھ low in the level of caffeine... In a recent study by scientists to study the impact of drinking tea to people eat meals daily normal) ھامبرجر beans,) and then to ascertain the levels of iron لديھم compared with other beverage... The research found that tea has led to reduce the level of iron absorption by 62 percent compared to بالقھوة that led to خفضھ by 35 percent ... But المھمة information existing in tea affect the process of Tannin was that of iron to absorb only when dealing with vegetables, grains ھل chewing gum is harmful to health can be chewing gum useful with regard to hygiene mouth and teeth if without sugar (the problem is not calories contained few, but in the impact of sugar on teeth), especially if that contained مطھرة... Usually chewing gum تساھم also in improving the smell of the mouth... المھم ھو not exaggerate it should not be chewing gum for more than a few minutes twice or three a day... Some people speak about health problems caused فيھا to swallow gum... Even ھناك of says انھا will remain in معدتك seven years... The truth is that ابتلاعھا is not harmful as many believe doctors confirm that the body already unable to ھضمھا only انھا moving slowly out of the body naturally... In some cases led the large quantities of chewing gum which ابتلعھا children to cases of an intestinal blockage. Any that tea does not negatively affect at all on iron levels in dealing with red meat, fish and Whites... The point المھمة turn: tea does not affect negatively upon the preservation of the programme of balanced diet.
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